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Achieve consistently higher returns with a systematic and repeatable approach
The question isn’t whether to do deals but how to do them so that they create sustainable value. Our answer: Use M&A as an integral part of your global growth strategy, plan for opportunities long before they arise, and build a repeatable acquisition model honed through frequent, continuous deal making. Our M&A advisory experts can help you every step of the way to:
- Improve your odds of success by honing your M&A strategy and objectives, developing your M&A team and capabilities, and building a repeatable process.
- Take due diligence to the next level with a fact-based, rigorously quantified assessment that helps you ward off deal fever, spot synergies others miss, and prepare for integration long before the deal is inked.
- Capture maximum value from corporate acquisitions with a battle-tested approach to integration that mitigates the many risks that can undercut a deal’s anticipated synergies. Companies that turn to Greenwolf for integration support realize 18% more value, on average, than those that don’t.
- Attain the highest possible return from divestitures by preparing the asset for sale, running a low-risk carve-out program and shaping the remaining business to thrive post-transaction. We can also help you maximize the value of spin-offs and joint ventures and alliances.
How we can help?
M&A Strategy
Your M&A strategy should be a logical extension of your growth strategy, and should be based on a disciplined and repeatable model that supports frequent, ever larger deals.
Corporate Due Diligence
Comprehensive analysis that ensures you realize maximum value from every deal.
Post-Merger Integration
A systematic approach that unlocks value beyond your expectations.
Maximize the value of asset sales and related transactions.
Joint Ventures/ Alliances
Joint ventures and alliances can be an excellent way to boost inorganic growth. We work closely with you to maximize the value of such arrangements, and build the internal capabilities you need to manage them to full potential.
M&A Capability
To achieve strong growth through M&A it’s imperative to develop a repeatable model based on four key disciplines. Success rates double when you master these critical capabilities.
Realize the highest possible value from spin-offs by generating a strong thesis and developing robust spin-off and transaction plans. We’ll work with you to ensure that both companies achieve maximum success.
Reach out to us
Empowering your leadership team to make sound business decisions starts with analyzing your data and the key drivers of your business.
With our financial experts providing the analysis, you’ll be well-informed and in control of your company’s path forward