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    We work closely with you to understand your goals and vision, research your markets and competitors, and develop your business plan

    Writing an investor-grade business plan can be challenging and time consuming, even for those who have done it before. If you are a typical entrepreneur, you’re already too busy focusing on other priorities, such as building your customer base, perfecting your product, or recruiting key management. We can help.

    Executive Summaries

    The first thing most investors want to see is a compelling one or two page executive summary. The goal of an executive summary is to persuade investors to request a full business plan or pitch deck. However, creating a compelling executive summary can be at least as challenging as developing a complete business plan. This is your one chance to make a great first impression, and we can help you get it right.

    Business Plan Development

    • Full Service Planning: We will help you optimize your strategy, research and analyze your market and competitive position, and create a clear and compelling business plan to articulate your opportunity. We don’t use a cookie-cutter business plan template- we develop all of our plans from scratch to ensure we tell your unique story in the most compelling way possible. We will save you hundreds of hours that you can better spend on other priorities.
    • Presentation Design: Clean, clear presentations are crucial, whether you are seeking capital, partners, customers, or employees. We’ll help you design a crisp presentation

    • Limited Service Planning: If you are on a more limited budget and have the time to conduct the majority of the research and writing, we can guide and prioritize your efforts; supply templates and other helpful materials; and critique, edit, and format your drafts.
    • Business Plan Review: If you have already written your plan, we can provide an Business Plan Review: If you have already written your plan, we can provide an objective third party critique before you send it to investors before you send it to investors.

    Reach out to us

    Empowering your leadership team to make sound business decisions starts with analyzing your data and the key drivers of your business.

    With our financial experts providing the analysis, you’ll be well-informed and in control of your company’s path forward

    Fill out the form and our team will reach out to you